
You might be wondering what WHOOSAH is. I first heard this usage in the first famous Hollywood blockbuster Bad Boys series. It is a way Martin uses to soothe himself. In a much-related manner, we sometimes soothe ourselves by making us believe ALL IS WELL (another famous quote from 3 idiots /Nanban). Of late I have thought of this act of self-soothing as self-deception. Self-Deception is to deceive oneself, especially concerning oneself. In other words, when things go awry, we make ourselves believe that all is well and soothe ourselves. There may be many scientific explanations for the subject, but in a layman’s idea, it is how at times, we contain our emotions and desires to ourselves by this very act of self-deception. Everyone could relate to some instances where we found solace in denying the very fact that things are not as we pleased but we tend to believe everything is fine. The act of self-deception can be seen along with life as it pr...