Universe Conspires!!!

"And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. ”— Paulo Coelho.

A new weekend, a new thought. 

I was thinking about how to achieve things that we wish for and the famous quote of Paulo Coelho crossed my mind. If you really want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it.  

The biggest motivation for non-thinkers and self realisation for thinkers.

If you intensely wish for something and you desperately want it,  you look for every opportunity that can succeed you in reaching your goal. In other words, you seek for the path and that you are vigilant.

There is a subconscious part of your mind which operates without your awareness and over which you don't have active control. That subconscious mind seeks for every minutest opportunity that helps you in achieving the goal that you wish for.

The activity of your subconscious mind will be directly proportional to the intensity of your want.

So it is actually not the universe which conspires, but it is you yourself is seeking opportunity. And you are simply giving the credit to luck. 

To sum up, 
Find yourself.
Explore the immense potential in you
Believe yourself.
You can achieve anything.


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