Right and Wrong- An over-hyped Myth!!!

Aren't we all brought up with the idea of right and wrong?Have we ever made an introspection on the right and wrong we were taught? What if all those rights were wrong and wrongs were right?Who decided something is right and something isn't?

There are certain thoughts which gives us an idea about right and wrong. In some thoughts, if the outcome of an activity brings greater good for greater number, then it is right. In some, if the people are treated with dignity and respect, then it is right and in some other, practice what is good and follow the good virtues.

In all these thoughts there is a minority who gets adversely affected. Assumptions are just made by generalizing the actions and its outcomes. If it is for greater good, the rest is ignored. The affected are neglected. 
In fact, the right was wrong for the Neglected, the Dejected and the Downtrodden.

So right is just a version of one's assumption, there always have another side. We can never decide the right path. There is always another way for sure. 

The solution for it seems impossible, as my right may be your wrong and your right my wrong. So it reminds me of a bible verse,
" Do everything in love."
So that your action wont hurt the other. There is never a right way, there are only as
sumptions. Just make those assumptions such that your actions do not hurt the other.

 Let us take a step to do everything with love. Lets not hurt one another. 

Love and spread Love.



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